Hey there! This is my very first post so I figured I would tell you a little bit about myself and what this blog is all about!
My name is Mary St. Hilaire and I am Catholic, pro-life advocate from the plains of Nebraska! I love playing piano, singing, traveling, horseback riding, and figure skating! Mostly, my extroverted self loves to spend time with people! I work full-time for a pro-life organization called Justice For All, whose mission is to make abortion unthinkable by creating respectful dialogue about abortion with thousands of people all over the country.
I want to use this blog as a place to share stories and reflections about my faith, my pro-life work, and my passions. In the past few years I have had an abundance of experiences that have greatly impacted me. Some have led to the realization that, even amidst trials and suffering, I will find peace and joy if I simply trust God for His good plan. Others have changed the way I see people and the world. Still others have strengthened and solidified my faith in God and in his love for me. I want to share these experiences and thoughts to motivate, encourage, and inspire you.
I am no expert. I do not have the perfect prayer life. I am not a theologian and I am certainly no saint, contrary to my last name ;) I am just a young woman who is trying my best to live a joy-filled life according to God's will and share Christ's message of truth and love to everyone I encounter. If you are trying to do the same, I hope this blog will be an inspiration to you to continue searching for truth, growing in your relationship with God, being open about your faith, seeking forgiveness, and striving to be like Jesus every day!
I'm so excited to begin sharing with you! Thanks for stopping by!
